- Starting point: Deruta
- Duration: 2:25 h
- Ascent: 500 m
- Length: 32.30 km
- Difficulty level: medium
We start from Deruta, the town whose celebrated ceramics have made its name a household word: just a few steps along any of its roads or town streets will show you how important a part the art of ceramics plays in the life of every citizen of Deruta. From here the route starts southwards towards the Casalina rock, turning onto a road that takes you in a series of hairpin bends through a tall tree forest. Shortly after passing the ancient estate, reach the top of the hill in Caprareccia, following on the left the good ridge track that further on gives way to tarmac. Continue climbing towards the ancient village of Castelleone di Deruta and after passing it head towards Monte Le Cinque Querce. Take the pretty bridle path running midway up the hill that turns towards Casa Bianconi from where the steeper part of the route begins. Turning left, start climbing up the uneven cart path that, by unbalancing you, at times may require setting a foot on the ground. Once you have left behind you the harder stretch, cross over a short ridge at the end of which you reach the white road that you had left shortly after Castelleone and that leads you to Monte Le Cinque Querce. After a few stretches requiring your full concentration starts the pleasant although occasionally uneven descent over a variety of track surfaces towards the Caprareccia area first and then La Montagnola locality. From there, proceed the descent until you reach an avenue lined with pine trees that leads onto the tarmacked road of Ponte Rosciano. Take the direction of Deruta through Pontenuovo and then decide whether to arrive at the finish point directly along Via Tiberina or to detour onto the green path along the Molinella ditch beyond the dual carriageway.